Dr Hemmings has had many years experience of training in the UK and abroad, ranging from MSc level at the University of Sussex, teaching advanced communication skills to consultants in hospitals and businesses. He has also designed and taught a teaching skills package for professionals who work with patients who somatise. He has also lectured in Sweden and the USA.
Below are some of the topics he covers. Specific packages can also be tailored to individual needs.
Psychological interventions training for therapists
Foundations in CBT
Introduction to Personal Construct Psychology
Solution focused psychotherapy
Introduction to counselling skills
Introduction to TA
Introduction to Gestalt
Introduction to Group work
Working with patients who somatise
Working with clients on medication
The 71/2 minute hour: practical psychotherapy skills for GPs
Running and anxiety/stress management groups
Assertiveness training
Time sensitive dynamic psychotherapy
Substance misuse training for therapists
Latest developments in Substance Misuse
Psychological and physiological effects of Substance Use
Attitudes to substance misuse
Models of working with substance misuse
Concept based therapeutic communities
CSA in substance misuse work
Motivational interviewing
Cycle of change
Relapse management
Research and evaluation training for therapists
Introduction to research and evaluation
Quantitative research for beginners
Qualitative research for beginners
Using Repertory Grids